Apple SilenType printer

Donor:  Anonymous

Released in June 1979, the SilenType was the first printer from Apple Computer. It was essentially a rebranded Trendcom Model 200, but Apple replaced the digital control circuitry inside, removing a microprocessor and memory chips and offloading their duties to the attached computer. This reduced the cost of the printer substantially. It was compatible with the Apple II, Apple III, and Lisa(?) computers, and connected via a proprietary Apple SilenType port, requiring either a SilenType interface card or an Apple III with a built-in SilenType port. The SilenType was a thermal printer, supporting 80-column output and requiring special paper. Printouts were difficult to store because the paper was heat-sensitive and tended to fade over time. It was replaced by the Apple Dot Matrix Printer in October 1982.

2 of these in the museum:

  • First one:
    • Model No.: A2M0032
    • Serial No.: 030486
    • Evidently property of the University of Minnesota at some point, tagged with Property No.: 8200662
  • Second one:
    • Model No.: A2M0032
    • Serial No.: 024235

References: (release date confirmation)

Apple SilenType printer
Apple SilenType printer
Apple SilenType printer
Apple SilenType printer