MathLAN design document: "RE: Decision concerning the selection of the Mathematics computer system"

This is a memo from Charlie Duke and Waldo Walker, both Vice Presidents at the College at the time, to Jane Tederman, Director of GCCS (ITS' predecessor) and Arnold Adelberg, Chair of the Department of Mathematics regarding the administration's final selection of Sun as the vendor for the MathLAN, in keeping with the Mathematics department's recommendation. As indicated in previous documents, the Mathematics faculty advocated purchasing a system from Sun from the beginning of the design process based on its fit to their requirements, while GCCS advocated purchasing equipment from DEC, largely because the existing computing infrastructure they maintained at the college was mostly DEC equipment. Duke and Walker also express concern regarding the proposed maintenance service from Sun and set guidelines regarding GCCS' responsibilities in that regard. From Stone's "MathLAN" file.

Date: June 5, 1987

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