Revision of Links to past courses from Sun, 2009-08-23 16:33

CSC 103: Problem solving and computing (Mr. Rebelsky)

CSC 105: The digital age (Ms. Coahran)

CSC 105: The digital age (Mr. Weinman)

CSC 105: An algorithmic and social overview of computer science (Mr. Rebelsky)

CSC 105: An algorithmic and social overview of computer science (Mr. Walker)

CSC 151: Functional problem solving, section 02 (Ms. Davis)

CSC 151: Fundamentals of computer science I (Mr. Rebelsky)

CSC 151: Fundamentals of computer science I (Mr. Stone)

CSC 151: Fundamentals of computer science I (Mr. Walker)

CSC 152: Fundamentals of computer science II (Ms. Coahran)

CSC 152: Fundamentals of computer science II (Mr. Rebelsky)

CSC 152: Fundamentals of computer science II (Mr. Stone)

CSC 152: Fundamentals of computer science II (Mr. Walker)

CSC 153: Computer science fundamentals (Mr. Rebelsky)

CSC 153: Computer science fundamentals (Mr. Walker)

CSC 161: Imperative problem solving and data structures (Ms. Coahran)

CSC 161: Imperative problem solving and data structures (Mr. Walker)

CSC 195: Data representation, storage management, and C programming (Mr. Rebelsky)

CSC 201: Memory management, data representation, and formal methods (Ms. Coahran)

CSC 201: Memory management, data representation, and formal methods (Mr. Walker)

CSC 205: Computational linguistics (Mr. Stone)

CSC 207: Algorithms and object-oriented design (Mr. Weinman)

CSC 211: Computer organization and architecture (Ms. Coahran)

CSC 211: Computer organization and architecture (Mr. Walker)

CSC 213: Operating systems and parallel algorithms (Ms. Davis)

CSC 213: Operating systems and parallel algorithms (Mr. Walker)

CSC 213: Operating systems and parallel algorithms (Mr. Weinman)

CSC 223: Software design (Ms. Davis)

CSC 223: Software design (Mr. Rebelsky)

CSC 223: Software design (Mr. Stone)

CSC 223: Software design (Mr. Walker)

CSC 261: Artificial intelligence (Mr. Stone)

CSC 261: Artificial intelligence (Mr. Walker)

CSC 295: Computer graphics (Ms. Coahran)

CSC 295: Special topic: Human-computer interaction (Ms. Davis)

CSC 295: Parallel algorithms (Mr. Walker)

CSC 297: Guided reading: The TAO of Java (Mr. Rebelsky)

CSC 297: Guided reading: Women and computing (Mr. Walker)

CSC 301: Algorithms (Mr. Stone)

CSC 301: Algorithms (Mr. Walker)

CSC 301: Analysis of algorithms (Ms. Coahran)

CSC 302: Programming language concepts (Mr. Stone)

CSC 302: Programming language concepts (Mr. Rebelsky)

CSC 302: Programming language concepts (Mr. Walker)

CSC 325: Databases and Web application design (Mr. Walker)

CSC 341: Automata, formal languages, and computational complexity (Mr. Stone)

CSC 341: Automata, formal languages, and computational complexity (Mr. Walker)

CSC 362: Compilers (Mr. Rebelsky)

CSC 364: Computer networks (Ms. Davis)

CSC 364: Computer networks (Mr. Rebelsky)

CSC 364: Computer networks (Mr. Stone)

CSC 397: Independent project: Developing algorithmic multimedia exercises (Mr. Rebelsky)

CSC 397: Independent study: Topics in computer networking (Mr. Walker)

CSC 397: Independent project: Web software design (Mr. Rebelsky)

LIN 114: Introduction to general linguistics (Mr. Stone)

TEC 154: Evolution of technology (Ms. Davis)

TEC 154: Evolution of technology (Mr. Rebelsky)

Tutorial: Computing: facts, misconceptions, and ethical issues (Mr. Walker)

Tutorial: Computing: limitations, developments, and ethical issues (Mr. Walker)

Tutorial: Computing: limitations and promising developments (Mr. Walker)

Tutorial: Free software, free culture (Mr. Stone)

Tutorial: Freedom and authority on the Internet (Mr. Rebelsky)

Tutorial: Hypermedia; some technology, some implications (Mr. Rebelsky)

Tutorial: Onerous ownership? Intellectual property in the 21st century (Mr. Rebelsky)

Tutorial: Outward from the middle of the maze: selected plays of Tom Stoppard (Mr. Stone)

Tutorial: Owning bits: Intellectual property in the information age (Mr. Rebelsky)

Tutorial: Technology and place: transportation, communication, computation (Ms. Davis)

Links to current courses