Thursday Extra: "Grinnell's competitive advantages in computer science"

On Thursday, April 11, Professor Henry Walker will describe the distinctive features of Grinnell's program in computer science:

Prospective students often ask why they should come to Grinnell to study computer science. Seniors and graduates ask what they can or should say to employers or graduate schools regarding how Grinnell's CS program is distinctive. This talk is designed to answer such questions by reviewing several characteristics of Grinnell's CS program:

  • The advantages of B.A. degrees in computer science over more technical degrees
  • Our introductory CS courses as “exemplars” in national curricular recommendations
  • Comparing Grinnell's core CS courses with national recommendations
  • The success rates in Grinnell's CS courses (by measures defined by national standards)
  • The contribution of the activities of Grinnell's CS faculty to Grinnell's success
  • How student-faculty interactions in CS lead to regional and national visibility
  • Grinnell's track record in CS for graduate school, internships, careers in business/industry, etc.

Overall, this talk will highlight numerous ways in which Grinnell's CS program enjoys substantial success by many objective measures.

Refreshments will be served at 4:15 p.m. in the Computer Science Commons (Noyce 3817). The talk, “Grinnell's competitive advantages in computer science,” will follow at 4:30 p.m. in Noyce 3821. Everyone is welcome to attend!