Learning from Alumni on 9/8/16

Thursday, September 8, 2:00-3:50 p.m. in Science 3821.

All students are invited to attend the Learning from Alumni talks, whether or not you are registered for the class. This week Jeff Dickey-Chasins '81 (English major) talks about his long and varied career with many stints in technology and computing-related businesses.

Biography: The Job Board Doctor is Jeff Dickey-Chasins, a veteran of the job board, publishing, and e-learning industries. He provides consulting services for job boards and online recruiting companies. Jeff was the original marketing director for Dice.com, growing it from $7 million to $65+ million in three years. He has worked with 450+ job boards and HR-related sites and startups over the past 20 years, in almost every sector, including finance, technology, education, health care, sales and marketing, energy, and specific geographic regions. He has published research, e-books, and blog posts on almost every aspect of the industry. He also speaks at industry conferences on key topics in the online recruiting industry, and has conducted numerous seminars and workshops.