Lunch Q-and-A: 4+1 Master's Degree in CS with U.Iowa

Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Noon to 1 p.m. in Noyce 3821
RSVP for lunch by end of day Tuesday, Feb. 20!

This Grinnell-UI 4+1 program provides a way for Grinnell CS students to spend an extra year and get a master's degree in CS from The University of Iowa, in addition to a Grinnell bachelor's degree. The first batch of Grinnell students are currently enrolled in the program. Sriram Pemmaraju, professor at U.Iowa, will describe how the program works, how to apply for it, and why it might be right for you.

Students from all class years are welcome at this information session. The March 1 application deadline for juniors is rapidly approaching!