CS Table

CS Table this Friday: Health Care and Computing

Welcome back, CS students! Thanks to Josh Raymond's work this spring, this semester's CS Table will focus on current topics in health care and computing. Topics will include electronic health records, safety critical systems, online health communities, diagnostic tools, and much more. See the course front door for more information.

We will meet on Fridays at noon in JRC 224A (upstairs in the Marketplace), starting with introductions and topic sign-ups this Friday.

Please consider registering for CSC-295-02 (one credit). Students who are registered for CSC-295-02 will collaborate in small groups of 2-3 to lead discussions (see below) on 2-3 topics over the course of the semester. Several students interested in health care have already registered for the course, so you'll have great opportunities for interdisciplinary interactions.

Any interested student may participate in our discussions. If you do not have a meal plan, you may sign in at the Marketplace entrance. Hope to see you this Friday!

CS Table/CSC 295: Rural Education & Networking without a Network

This Friday, Jordan and Alex will lead a discussion on approaches to bringing network resources to education in rural communities. Please read the following: If you want to learn more, the CSC 295 site links to the research articles these stories report on. As usual, we meet a little after noon in JRC 224A. Hope to see you there!

CS Table/CSC 295: "Free Wifi" and Community Networks

This Friday at CS Table, Isaac and Josh will be leading a discussion on community wireless networks. These articles will form the basis of our discussion:

  • Terry Schmidt and Anthony Townsend, Why wi-fi wants to be free, CACM 46(5):47-52, May 2003.
  • Tomas Krag and Sebastian Büettrich, Wireless mesh networking, O'Reilly Wireless DevCenter, Jan 22, 2004.
  • You may also be interested in browsing the following:

    • Wireless Mesh Network, Wikipedia.
    • AODV Description at http://moment.cs.ucsb.edu/AODV/ (UCSB CS)
    • Community wireless solutions: The Urbana Project, at http://www.cuwin.net/projects/urbana

    As usual, we meet in JRC 224A a little after noon. See you there!

CS Table/CSC 295: Onion Routing and Anonymity

This Friday at CS Table/CSC 295, Max and Martin will be leading a discussion on onion routing and its applications to anonymity. Several readings are suggested: As usual, we'll be meeting at noon on Friday in JRC 224A. Hope to see you there!

CS Table/CSC 295: Internet censorship in China

This Friday, Jeff and Simon will be leading a discussion on Internet censorship in China. We have a few recent news stories about Google in China, plus a 2003 research study.

CS Table/CSC 295: IPv4 Address Depletion

This Friday at CS Table, Jesse Queen will be leading a discussion on IPv4 address space depletion and the transition to IPv6. As usual, we will meet in JRC 224A, a little after noon. Hope to see you there!

CS Table / CSC 295, October 15: Internet voting

This Friday at CS Table, we'll talk about the possible use of the Internet as a medium for casting ballots in elections in the United States. Here are some readings to inform and point up the discussion:

As usual, we'll meet at noon or a little after, in Rosenfield 224A.

CS Table/CSC 295, Oct. 8: Surveillance & TCP/IP Packet Structure

This Friday at CS Table, Simon and Jeff will present the information contained in packet headers and lead a continued discussion on network surveillance. We suggest the following reading (as much as you have interest or time for):

CS Table/CSC 295, October 1, 2010: Password reuse; is Google evil?

This Friday at CS Table, Dr. Rebelsky and I will be presenting the XKCD comic "Password Reuse".

To add some seriousness to the conversation, please also read

As usual, we'll be meeting at noon in JRC 224A. Hope to see you there!

CS Table/CSC 295, Friday, Sept 24: Quality of Service & Net Neutrality

This Friday at CS Table, Isaac and Josh will be leading a discussion about quality of service and network neutrality. The popular press articles are concerned with recent regulatory proposals:

Technical readings from Wikipedia are concerned with existing Internet service models:

As usual, we meet at noon in JRC 224A. Hope to see you there!

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