Thursday Extras

Thursday Extra: "Graphical user interface development using the Qt toolkit"

On Thursday, September 17, Dennis Vaccaro 2011 will present a talk in the Department of Computer Science's Thursday Extras series, entitled Graphical user interface development using the Qt toolkit.

Refreshments will be served at 4:15 p.m. in the Computer Science Commons (Noyce 3817). The talk will follow at 4:30 p.m. in Noyce 3821.

Thursday Extra: "Efficient machine learning for computer vision-based depth perception"

On Thursday, September 10, Jerod Weinman of the Department of Computer Science will present the first talk in this year's Thursday Extras series, entitled Efficient machine learning for computer vision-based depth perception.

Refreshments will be served at 4:15 p.m. in the Computer Science Commons (Noyce 3817). The talk will follow at 4:30 p.m. in Noyce 3821.

Thursday Extras

Thursday Extras is a series of occasional talks organized and sponsored by the Department of Computer Science.

If you're interested in presenting a Thursday Extra, talk with Jerod Weinman (Noyce 3825) to arrange scheduling. We also maintain a tentative and open schedule for future talks in the series.

We invite everyone in the Grinnell College community to attend these talks!

2018-2019 series

  • February 21: Samuel Rebelsky, Developing soft and technical skills through multi-semester, remotely-mentored community-service projects
  • February 14: Glimmer Labs students, Code Camps
  • February 8: Alumni Talk, Careers in CS
  • November 15: Anya Vostinar and Charlie Curtsinger, Graduate School in Computer Science
  • October 18: Myra B. Cohen, Iowa State University, Moving Software Testing Outside of the Box - An Expedition Beyond its Walls
  • October 11: Mattori Birnbaum 2019, Linh Bui 2020, Zoe Grubbs 2019, Hadley Luker 2019, and Xinya Yang 2020, Finding Performance Problems with ALEX
  • October 8: Cassie Koomjian 2005, Alex Leach 2006, Ian Young 2008, and Terian Koscik 2012, Careers in Computer Science
  • October 4: Lisong Xu (University of Nebraska, Lincoln), Internet Bandwidth Allocation
  • September 27: Antonio Bianchi (University of Iowa), Detecting Vulnerable Code: From Mobile Apps to IoT Devices
  • September 13: Jerod Weinman, Off-Campus Study for Computer Science Majors: Why, How, and Where?
  • September 6: John Stone, Adversarial Examples; or, When Is a School Bus an Ostrich?

2017-2018 series

  • April 5: Pouya Mahdi Gholami and Garret Wang, Scrambler
  • March 8: Myles Becker, Liat Berkowitz, Addison Gould, Hadley Luker, Eli Most, Dhruv Phumbra, Jonathan Sadun, Zachary Susag, Proofs, Programs and Synthesis
  • February 22: CS SEPC, Résumé Building and Interview Preparation Extravaganza
  • February 14: Cassie Koomjian '05, Alex Leach '06, Ian Young '08, and Terian Koscik '12 (CSC 222 mentors); and Megan Goering '08 of Human Centered Design and her partner Joe Mellin of Microsoft, Life and Career After Grinnell (Lessons from Alumni)
  • February 8: Samuel A. Rebelsky, Grinnell College, A Functional Approach to Data Science in Introductory CS Course
  • February 1: Caelin Bryant, Jonathan Gilmour, Bea Herce-Hagiwara, Anh Thu Pham, Halle Remash, Marli Remash, and Jonah Zimmerman, Diversifying the CS Pipeline through Innovative Code Camps
  • January 25: Computer Science faculty, Summer Research in CS at Grinnell
  • December 7: Samuel A. Rebelsky, Grinnell College, Summer Opportunities in CS
  • November 30: Charles Ofria, Michigan State University, Using Computational Evolution to Understand the Origins of Biological Complexity
  • November 2: Eric Van Wyk, University of Minnesota, Build your own programming language, and other reasons to go to graduate school
  • October 12: Cesare Tinelli, University of Iowa, Improving the reliability and security of software with formal methods and automated reasoning
  • October 10: Wes Beary '05, Cassie Koomjian '05, Terian Koscik '12, Alex Leach '06, and Ian Young '08, Chat with CS Alumni Mentors for CSC 321
  • October 5: Professors Anya Vostinar, Charlie Curtsinger, Peter Michael Osera, and Titus Klinge, Graduate School in Computer Science
  • September 21: Professor Jerod Weinman and staff from the Off-Campus Study office, Off-Campus Study for CS Majors: Why, how, and where?
  • September 14: Jong Hoon Bae 2018, Theo Kalfas 2018, Nick Roberson 2018, and Otabek Nazarov 2018, Cauldron: An IDE for modular development of chemical reaction networks
  • August 31: Julie Foster, Center for Careers, Life, and Service Non-Compete and Non-Disclosure Agreements: What Students Need to Know Before Signing Employment Agreements

2016-2017 series

  • May 11: Students from Analysis of Algoriths course, Exploring Algorithms with Design and Analysis Techniques
  • May 4: Professors and students in Computer Science and guest speakers, Inclusion in CS
  • April 27, Student research projects: Project Gadfly: Students and Alums Coding for Social Good
  • April 20: Computer Science SEPC, Résumé review session
  • April 13: Ursula Wolz, Noyce Visiting Professor at Grinnell College, Computer Science Outreach in Grinnell and Central Iowa
  • March 2, Student research projects: The Rebelsky group will be discussing the design of its code camp for middle schoolers and lessons learned. The Osera group will be discussing issues of proof and/or program generation.
  • February 23: John Stone, Manager of the Mathematics Local-Area Network, MathLAN Past, Present, and Future
  • February 16: Representatives from The University of Iowa, Discussion of the new joint 4-1 BA-MCS program
  • February 9: Gary Meyer, Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota, Image Based Rendering and its Impact on Studio Photography
  • January 26: Professors in Computer Science, Summer Research Opportunities in Computer Science at Grinnell
  • November 17: Sooji Son, 2018, Medha Gopalaswamy 2018 and Jianting Chen 2018, ORC2A Proof Assistant; Reilly Grant 2018 and Zachary Segall 2018, Semi-Automated Program Synthesis
  • November 10: Professors in Computer Science Summer opportunities in computer science
  • November 3: Xiaoqiu Huang, Department of Computer Science at Iowa State University, Developing and using bioinformatics tools for analysis of big DNA sequence data
  • October 25: Ursula Wolz, Noyce Visiting Professor at Grinnell College, Technologies for Online Instruction: Do They Support Authentic Learning?
  • October 13: Kyle Rector, Department of Computer Science at The University of Iowa, Accessible Computing for All
  • October 6: Professor Samuel Rebelsky and students who have studied abroad, Study abroad for CS majors
  • September 22: Professor Titus Klinge, Preventing Memory Corruption in Chemical Computations
  • September 20: Sara Marku 2018, Ruth Wu 2017, and Professor Henry Walker Student-faculty Collaboration in Developing and Testing Infrastructure for a C-based Course using Robots
  • September 15: Toby Baratta 2017, Alex Mitchell 2017, Ying Long 2017, Larry Boateng Asante 2017, Sooji Son 2018, and Maddie Kirwin 2019 Summer Internship and Research Experience in Computer Science
  • September 8: Professor Peter-Michael Osera, Programming Assistance for Type-Directed Programming
  • September 1: Professors Charlie Curtsinger, Peter-Michael Osera, and Titus Klinge, Graduate School in Computer Science: What it's like, what it's for, and how to apply

2015-2016 series

  • May 5: Catie Baker from the University of Washington, Increasing access to STEM for blind students
  • February 11: Ian Young 2008, Cassie Koomjian 2005, Jonathan Koomjian 2003, and Wes Beary 2005, Alumni career discussion
  • January 28: Professors in Computer Science, Summer Research Opportunities in Computer Science at Grinnell
  • December 10: Professors in Computer Science, Summer opportunities in computer science
  • December 3: Giang Nguyen 2017, Bioinformatics Research Internship at Michigan State University
  • November 19: Computer Science SEPC, Résumé review session
  • November 12: Octav Chipara, Department of Computer Science at The University of Iowa, Developing and Deploying Mobile Sensing Applications
  • November 5: Professor Henry Walker, MyroC 3.0: Update, Portability, Non-blocking, Threads, Processes, Coordination
  • October 29: David Fernández-Baca, Department of Computer Science at Iowa State University, Algorithms for Assembling the Tree of Life
  • October 8: Blake Creasey 2016, IBM Watson & Innovation in New York City
  • October 1: Professors Peter-Michael Osera and Charlie Curtsinger, Graduate programs in computer science
  • September 24: Professor Samuel Rebelsky, Scripting GIMP with Racket
  • September 23: Ursula Wolz, Noyce Visiting Professor at Grinnell College, Does Learning Computer Science Require a Teacher? Reflections on Automated Tutors and Learning Communities
  • September 10: Reilly Noonan Grant 2018, Alex French 2017, Bazil Mupisiri 2018, and Logan Goldberg 2018, GNU/Linux System Administration Projects

2014-2015 series

  • April 27: Brooks Davis, Senior Software Engineer at SRI International, Beyond the PDP-11: Architectural support for a memory-safe C abstract machine
  • April 17: Nora Bresette Buccino, Enhancing Myro Java using Android
  • December 4: Professors in Computer Science, Summer opportunities in computer science
  • November 20: Toby Baratta 2017, Bo Wang 2016, and Kitt Nika 2016, Historical map processing: text detectors, database linking, and region models
  • November 13: Gianfranco Ciardo, Department of Computer Science at Iowa State University, Beyond BDDs: advanced decision diagrams and their applications
  • November 6: Professor Janet Davis and Richard Bright, Director of Off-Campus Study, Options for combining off-campus study with study of computer science
  • October 20: Professor Sriram Pemmarju, Department of Computer Science at The University of Iowa, Toss a coin, throw a ball,and solve a problem
  • October 16: Professors Jerod Weinman and Janet Davis, Graduate school in computer science: what? why? how? when? who?
  • October 2: Wes Beary 2005, Alex Leach 2006, Cassie Schmitz 2005, and Ian Young 2008: Careers on Rails: Grinnell CS alumni in Web development and infrastructure.
  • September 25: Eileen Fordham 2017, Halley Freger 2017, Amanda Hinchman-Dominguez 2017, Alex Mitchell 2017, Victoria Tsou 2016, and Zoe Wolter 2016: MIST, the Mathematical Image-Synthesis Toolkit.
  • September 18: CS SEPC: Resume workshop.
  • September 11: Ajuna Kyaruzi 2017: Sudo open sesame: my summer as an assistant GNU/Linux system administrator.

2013-2014 series

  • April 10: Nediyana Daskalova 2014, Nathalie Ford 2015, Ann Hu 2014, Kyle Moorehead 2015, and Ben Wagnon 2014: Designing technology to help Grinnellians sleep more.
  • February 27: Planning with Grinnell's new CS curriculum and major.
  • February 20: Computer Science SEPC: Preparing for the technical interview.
  • February 13: John Stone: Left-leaning red-black trees.
  • February 5: Maijid Moujaled 2014, Colin Tremblay 2014, Lea Marold Sonnenschein 2015, and Patrick Triest 2015: Grinnell AppDev.
  • January 30: Spencer Liberto 2015, Lea Marolt Sonnenschein 2015, and Daniel Torres 2015: Mobile computing for social good.
  • January 23: Professors Sam Rebelsky and Jerod Weinman, with John Stone: Summer 2014 research projects.
  • December 12: Marsha Fletcher 2015, Alexandra Greenberg 2016, Mark Lewis 2016, Evan Manuella 2016, and Christine Tran 2016: Multiple models of media scripting.
  • December 5: Professor Sam Rebelsky: Summer opportunities in computer science.
  • November 20: Professor Aaron Stump (University of Iowa): Writing bug-free code using theorem provers.
  • November 7: Chike Abuah 2014, Aaltan Ahmad 2014, Nediyana Daskalova 2014, Erik Opavsky 2014, Kim Spasaro 2014, Daniel Torres 2015, and Brennan Wallace 2016: Summer experiences in computer science.
  • October 17: Max Mindock 2015: Weather radar systems.
  • October 10: Professor Jerod Weinman, Graduate school in computer science: what? why? how? when? who?
  • October 3: Adam Arsenault 2016, Jordan Yuan 2015, and Shaun Mataire 2016, MathLAN system administration.
  • September 26: Jennelle Nystrom 2014, My Microsoft internship.
  • September 19: Kim Spasaro 2014, Computational linguistics: crawling the Web for non-English data.

2012-2013 series

  • April 25: Professor Rhys Price Jones, wot they shoulda bin dun learned me in SKule.
  • April 18: Brooks Davis, Building a platform for modern systems research.
  • April 11: Professor Henry Walker, Grinnell's competitive advantages in computer science.
  • April 4: Aditi Roy 2013, What is a good recommendation system?
  • February 28: Professors Sam Rebelsky, Janet Davis, and Jerod Weinman, Building knowledge and confidence with mediascripting.
  • February 7: Martin Estrada 2014 and June Yolcuepa 2015, untitled talk.
  • January 31: Professors Janet Davis and Sam Rebelsky, Summer 2013 research projects.
  • January 24: Hart Russell 2014 and Prashanna Tiwaree 2014, Re-architecturing MediaScheme
  • December 6: Professor Sam Rebelsky, Summer opportunities in computer science.
  • November 29: Tolu Alabi 2013, NoSQL.
  • November 15: Sarah Henney 2013 and Marsha Fletcher 2015, Self-disclosing GIMP with MediaScript.
  • October 18: Dilan Ustek 2014, Aditi Roy 2013, Tolu Alabi 2013, Maijid Moujaled 2014, and David Cowden 2013, Technical internships.
  • October 11: Professor Alberto Maria Segre (University of Iowa), Computational epidemiology.
  • October 4: Jennelle Nystrom 2014 and Svea Drentlaw 2013, GLEAM: the Grinnell Livescripting Environment for Art and Music.
  • September 27: Professors Jerod Weinman and Rhys Price Jones, Graduate school in computer science: what? why? how? when? who?

2011-2012 series

  • May 3: Isaiah Sarju 2013, Dynamic code generation and what it takes to get there.
  • April 26: Pelle Hall 2014, Andrew Hirakawa 2012, and Jennelle Nystrom 2014, Self-disclosing code.
  • April 19: Tolu Alabi 2013, Brad Gordon 2012, and Russel Steinbach 2012, K-selection on the GPU.
  • April 12: Chike Abuah 2014, Rogelio Calderon 2014, and Sydney Ryan 2014, The MediaPython project.
  • February 27: April O'Neill 2013, Erik Opavsky 2014, Dilan Ustek 2014, and Professor Henry Walker, A C-based introductory course using robots.
  • February 23: Radka Slamova 2013, Chase Felker 2012, and Professor Janet Davis, Integrating UX with Scrum to create a usable Local Foods Co-op Website.
  • February 16: Martin Dluhos 2012, Free software and open source software.
  • February 9: Kate Ingersoll 2013 and Kimberly Spasaro 2014, Media scripting with Inkscape.
  • February 2: John Stone, Software development using R6RS Scheme.
  • January 26: Summer research opportunities in computer science.
  • December 8: Résumé workshop.
  • December 1: Professor Paul Tymann (Rochester Institute of Technology), Steganography.
  • November 17: Jillian Goetz 2010, Transitioning to an interdisciplinary graduate program.
  • November 10: Summer opportunities in CS.
  • October 27: Rethinking mathematics in CS at Grinnell: potential new requirements and a new discrete structures course.
  • October 13: Brady Garvin (University of Nebraska at Lincoln), Configuration-dependent faults and feature locality.
  • October 6: Zach Butler 2013 and Dugan Knoll 2012, A robust system for discovering text baselines in scene text images.
  • September 29: Max Kaufmann 2012, Automatically generating parallel corpora.
  • September 22: Professors Janet Davis and Jerod Weinman, Graduate school in computer science: what? why? how? when? who?
  • September 15: David Cowden 2013, April O'Neill 2013, Erik Opavsky 2014, and Dilan Ustek 2014, A C-based introductory course using robots.
  • September 8: Terian Koscik 2012, An on-line community for peer-supported learning of computer science.
  • September 1: Professor Juan Pablo Hourcade (University of Iowa), HCI4Peace.

2010-2011 series

  • April 14: Scott Kaits 2011, Facebook support groups: towards understanding member usage.
  • April 7: Ravi Chande 2011 and Dylan Gumm 2011, Text recognition on historical maps.
  • March 3: Forrest Friesen 2011, Computation in pure hardware with FPGAs.
  • February 24: Professor Henry Walker, Programming robots: a status report.
  • February 17: Aaron Todd 2011, Multi-agent-simulation in Scala.
  • February 10: Professor Jerod Weinman, Robust text recognition.
  • February 3: Professors Sam Rebelsky, Jerod Weinman, and Henry Walker, Summer research opportunities in computer science.
  • December 9: Jeff Leep 2011, Alexander Rich-Shea 2012, Andrew Hirakawa 2012, Emircan Uysaler 2013, Dugan Knoll 2012, Jing Tao Liu 2011, Terian Koscik 2012, and Charles Frantz 2011, GCal: a community calendar for the rest of us.
  • December 2: Jordan Shkolnick 2011, Testing at Microsoft.
  • November 11: Andrew Hirakawa 2012 and Russel Steinbach 2012, Placing incoming students in classes.
  • November 4: Jeff Leep 2011, Managing the MathLAN.
  • October 28: Martin Dluhos 2012, Squeezing the MathLAN.
  • October 7: Shitanshu Aggarwal 2011, Delivering groceries in Seattle.
  • September 30: Professor Henry Walker, The SIGCSE submission and review system: 10 (hexadecimal) lessons.
  • September 16: Professor Janet Davis, Exploring persuasive technology through participatory design.

2009-2010 series

  • May 13: Tony Pan 2010, An introduction to the Google Maps API.
  • April 30: Professor Myra Cohen (University of Nebraska - Lincoln), Combinatorics, heuristic search, and software testing: Theory meets practice.
  • April 22: Jordan Shkolnick 2011, Nora Coon 2010, Jillian Goetz 2010, and Cyrus Witthaus 2010, Interactive MediaScripting.
  • April 9: Professor Dan Garcia (University of California - Berkeley), 274 students can't be wrong!: GamesCrafters, a computational game theory undergraduate research and development group at UC Berkeley.
  • April 8: Professor Dan Garcia (University of California - Berkeley), Keeping the Millennials engaged with active learning.
  • April 6: Professor Kate Deibel (University of Washington), A real grand challenge: Designing technologies for college students with disabilities.
  • March 18: John Stone and Professor Henry Walker, Web content management with Drupal.
  • March 4: Nathan Levin 2010, Andy Applebaum 2010, Alex Cohn 2011, and Jeffrey Thompson 2010, StatsGames.
  • February 25: Tony Pan 2010, Summer internship at Microsoft Corporation.
  • February 11: Professor Steve Cunningham (California State University - Stanislaus), 3D computer graphics and universal supercomputers.
  • January 28: Professor Sam Rebelsky and other department faculty members, Summer research opportunities in computer science.
  • December 3: Charles Frantz 2011 and Jeff Leep 2011, Combining hierarchy and feature sharing for object categorization.
  • November 19: Professor Christopher K. Tuggle (Iowa State University), Computational problems in biology.
  • November 5: Professor Jun Ni (University of Iowa), Spectrum of high-performance medical imaging informatics.
  • October 29: Shitanshu Aggarwal 2011 and Jay Lidaka 2010, Parallel training: speeding up machine learning using graphical processing units.
  • October 9: Dr. Harold Trease (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), Video analytics for indexing, summarization and searching streaming video and video archives.
  • October 8: Alex Exarhos 2010, Interfaces for video analytics.
  • October 2: Professor David G. Kay (University of California, Irvine), Why so many?: A historical view of the early development of programming languages.
  • September 17: Dennis Vaccaro 2011, Graphical user interface development using the Qt toolkit.
  • September 10: Professor Jerod Weinman, Efficient machine learning for computer vision-based depth perception.

2008-2009 series

  • April 30: Ian Bone 2009 and Tony Leguia 2009, Data compression.
  • April 24: Michael Neff (University of California, Davis), Designing computational representations of expressive movement.
  • April 16: Tim Miller 2009 and Pat Rich 2010, ADAPT: Audience Design of Ambient Persuasive Technology.
  • April 9: Brooks Davis (The Aerospace Corporation), Reflections on building a high-performance computing cluster using FreeBSD.
  • April 2: Alexi Brooks 2010, Problem solving techniques.
  • February 12: John Stone, Keeping stuff: how to preserve course papers despite technological change.
  • February 5: Professor Sam Rebelsky, Media scripting.
  • January 29: Professor Sam Rebelsky, Professor Jerod Weinman, and John Stone, Summer research opportunities in computer science.
  • January 22: Ian Th Atha 2009 and Ian Bone 2009, Getting a job: big companies, small companies.
  • December 4: Dave Herman 2000, Adventures in ECMAScript and Reasoning about hygienic macros.
  • November 20: Ted Cooper 2009 and Alexi Brooks 2010, Sketch-based Bargello: alternative computer-aided design.
  • November 13: Professor Henry Walker, Placing incoming students in CS/Math/Statistics: from version 1.3 toward version 2.0.
  • November 6: Ian Bone 2009, JavaScript in the real world.
  • October 30: Emily Jacobson 2009, SOUSA: the Sketch-Based Online User Study Application.
  • October 9: Professors Janet Davis and Jerod Weinman, Applying to graduate school in computer science.
  • October 2: Professor Henry Walker, Games in the computer science classroom: good or evil?
  • September 18: Kathy Iberle (Hewlett-Packard Development Company), Is there life after school?
  • September 11: Theocharis "Ian" Athanasakis 2009, Data-intensive scalable computing.
  • September 4: John Stone, Liberty through license: the GPLv3 and other free-software licenses.

2007-2008 series

  • May 1: Elijah Buck 2008, The FreeBSD sysctl system: getting and setting kernel parameters.
  • April 24: Professor Janet Davis, Engaging and informing citizens with Household Indicators.
  • April 17: Elijah Buck 2008, The User Consultant Data Base: challenges of long-term development and maintenance.
  • April 3: Cassie Schmitz 2005, Developing software for e-government.
  • March 6: John Stone, The .doc is out: The Open Document Format and its prospects.
  • February 28: C. M. Lubinski 2008, Spiffy debugging with gdb.
  • February 21: Theocharis "Ian" Athanasakis 2009, Summer at Google: automating a gargantuous data flow.
  • February 14: Cable Thompson 2008, Developing a robotic assistant for people with impaired mobility.
  • February 7: Professors Marge Coahran, Janet Davis, and Sam Rebelsky, Summer research opportunities in computer science.
  • January 24: Professor Marge Coahran, Computer-assisted Bargello quilt design.
  • November 15: Soren Berg 2008 and David D'Angelo 2007, Scheme scripting in Inkscape.
  • November 8: Tony Pan 2010 and Heather Whisenhunt 2008, Phoenix: a scriptable non-linear functional video editor.
  • November 1: Cassie Sims 2008, Interactive visualization of protein dynamics.
  • October 18: Ian Young 2008, Regular expressions and automata: speeding up vim.
  • October 11: Ted Cooper 2009 and Emily Jacobson 2009, Efficient pixel-manipulation in the GIMP.
  • October 4: Lorelei Kelly 2008, Max Kuipers 2009, and Tim Miller 2009, DrFu: A crutch for the GIMP.
  • September 20: Tony Leguia 2009, Sorting out children by sorting out digraphs: topological sorting of digraphs with outdegree four.
  • September 13: Professors Sam Rebelsky and Janet Davis, DrFu: Media computing in CS1.
  • September 6: John Stone, Large numbers. Really large.

2006-2007 series

  • May 10: Leonya Ivanov, Metamorphosis: programming the College's Web presence.
  • April 26: Brooks Davis (The Aerospace Corporation), Open source development methods.
  • February 22: Christine Wang 2008 and Jonathan Tsu 2008, Development of an online campus map.
  • February 8: Monica Ugwi 2008 and Eric Omwega 2008, Automation of the athletic recruiting process.
  • February 1: Professors Sam Rebelsky and Janet Davis, Summer research programs in computer science.
  • January 25: John Stone, Xlife is beautiful.
  • December 7: Michael Lewis 2008 and Cable Thompson 2008, An investigation of the applicability of the functional programming paradigm to 3D graphics.
  • November 30: Rachel Heck 2001, Interactive character animation: synthesizing in realtime with minimal effort.
  • November 16: Luis Zuleta-Benavides 2007 and Ian Lunderskov 2008, Functional video scripting.
  • November 9: Tony Leguia 2009, Saugar Sainju 2008, and Ian Bone-Rundle 2009, Functional multimedia: applying the functional paradigm to images.
  • October 31: Elizabeth Norton 2009 and Arunabh Singh 2009, Statistics can be fun.
  • October 12: Angeline Namai 2007 and Eryn O'Neil 2007, Women in computer science at Grinnell.
  • October 3: C. M. Lubinski 2008, Win 2 Lin: making the transition and making it effective.
  • September 19: Mark Nettling 2007, Programming in the small business world.
  • September 12: Kabenla Armah 2004, Yaw Nti-Addae 2004, and Leonya Ivanov, On the (possible) significance of the statistically insignificant.
  • September 5: Furthering Grinnell's computer science community: a dialog for students and faculty.
  • August 29: John Stone, Keeping up with the blogs: using RSS and Atom feed readers to monitor dynamic Web sites.

Community events

Outside the classroom, several activities help create a sense of community among computing students and faculty.

  • The department organizes picnics in the fall and spring, often held in cooperation with the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
  • Faculty and students get together informally for lunch discussion at noon on Tuesdays.
  • Most weeks, students and faculty meet for our Thursday Extras lecture series, with refreshments and conversation before a talk by a student, faculty member, or visitor.
AI with Henry Walker
  • The Computer Science Student Educational Policy Committee (CS SEPC), elected by majors, organizes study breaks most weeks — typically Monday evenings starting at 8:00 pm, as well as other events.

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