
Visual diagram of Grinnell's curriculum. Description in table below

Major Requirements: A minimum of 32 credits

Multi-paradigm, Introductory Sequence: 12 credits

  • CSC 151 - Functional Problem Solving
  • CSC 161 - Imperative Problem Solving with Lab
  • CSC 207 - Object-Oriented Problem Solving, Data Structures, and Algorithms
  • CSC 211 - Computer Organization and Architecture
  • CSC 213 - Operating Systems and Parallel Algorithms

Upper-Level Theory: 8 credits

  • CSC 301 - Analysis of Algorithms
  • CSC 341 - Automata, Formal Languages, and Computational Complexity

Software Development: 4 credits

  • CSC 324 - Software Design and Development

Electives: 4 credits

  • 4 credits in Computer Science at the 200-level or higher
  • CSC 281, CSC 282, guided reading, independent study, directed research, and MAPs may not be used to fulfill Elective requirement.
  • Up to 2 credits of CSC 326 may contribute toward satisfying the Elective requirement.

Also required:

One course from the list below:

  • MAT 208 - Discrete Structures
  • CSC 208 - Discrete Structures
  • MAT 218 - Discrete Bridges to Advanced Mathematics
  • Math elective: a math course numbered above MAT 131 - Calculus I, or any statistics course creditable toward the Mathematics major
Attachment: CS_Curriculum.pdf