LAPDOS User's Manual

Donor:  Anonymous

LAPDOS is a disk-management system created by Traveling Software as a response to the demand for a direct link between PC computers, with their large storage capacities, and the Tandy and NEC notebook computers, with their unequaled portability. In its original form LAPDOS links PCs to notebook computers indirectly, through the portable disk drive. The new component makes the portable disk drive unnecessary.

The new component of LAPDOS consists of a small BASIC program that runs on a notebook computer and makes it act like a portable disk drive. Once you have started that program, you run the original LAPDOS program on a PC and remain at the PC to control the process of transferring files and performing the other file-management operations the program makes possible. The notebook computer responds to commands from the PC much like a portable disk drive. Though LAPDOS operated almost identically on the notebook computer as it does on the portable disk drive, the connections-PC to portable disk drive and PC to notebook computer - are distinct and not interchangeable.

This Manual simply explains how LAPDOS can be used efficiently on portable computers. It provides information on installing LAPDOS, on Setup Commands, on Exchanging Data and dealing with Problems and Error Messages while using LAPDOS. Also packaged with this manual are three 3 1/2 " floppy disks and two 5 1/4 " floppy disks which all explain how to use LAPDOS.

LAPDOS Diskettes