VHS Cassette

Donor:  Helt

Although video tape systems had been developed as early as 1956, the first systems were expensive and not readily available. As a response, JVC Corporation developed VHS (Video Home System) cassettes and VCR recorders about 1975 as an inexpensive means to store video materials for home use.

The early systems could record programs lasting about two hours. Later systems could play VHS tape at several speeds, trading quality with the length of the session. For example, a typical cassette (labeled E-120) contained 173.7 meters (570 feet) of tape, and could record 83 minutes, 120 minutes, or 258 minutes of material, depending upon the speed selected. Generally the maximum length for a VHS cassette tape (labeled T-210) was 433.1 meters (1,421 feet) at the lowest acceptable tape thickness.


  • http://www.ehow.com/about_5045616_history-vhs-vcrs.html

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