Intel 86/380 Computer (Grant O. Gale Observatory): Diskettes/Documentation and Programs

Donor:  Cadmus

These are documentation and programs for the 86/380 Intel computer at the The Grant O. Gale Observatory in Grinnell. The diskettes include, the iRMX 860 Utilities Package, Word Processing System Dskette(copy 1), Word Processing: The Basics 'DOCBAC' , Word Processing: The Basics Document Copy Practice, Word Processing System Diskette, Word Processing – The Basics Diversify Gives Errors, iRMX 860, ASM 86 and Numerics Library, iRMX 863 Pl?m 86/88/186, iRMX 860 Utilities Package, iRMX 860 ASM 86, iRMX 863 PL/M 86/88, and Word Processing: Advanced Training Diskette 'ADVBAC'.

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