Intel 86/380 Computer (Grant O. Gale Observatory): Manuals and System Administration Documentation

Donor:  Cadmus

Extensive manuals and System Administration documentation accompanied the Intel 86/380 Computer used in the Grant O. Gale Observatory at Grinnell College. Documentation shown here includes (left to right):

  • Hardware Reference Manuals for system 86, with sections for
    • iSBC 86/14 and iSBC 86/30 Single Board Computer
    • iSBC 337 Multimodule Numeric Data Processor
    • iSBX 218 Flexible Disk Controller
    • iSBC 215 Winchester Disk Controller
    • iSBC 016A/032A/064A/028A/056A RAM Board
    • iSBC 680/681 Multistore User System Package
  • Microcomputer Development Systems, with sections for
    • iSBX 275 Video Graphics Controller Multimodule Board
    • Video Graphics Model VG-121/221 User's Manual by Datacube, Inc.
    • iSBC 534 Four Channel Communications Expansion Board
    • iSBC 517 Combination I/o Expansion Board
    • System 86/380 Installation and Maintenance
    • User's Manual for RTI-732 by Analog Devices Systems Components
  • System 86/380 Installation and Maintenance Manual
  • iRMX 86 Introduction and Operator's REference Manual for Release 6
  • IRMX 86 Operating System
  • SPECPLOT User's Manual and Programmer's Reference
  • FORTRAN-96 User's Guide

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