computer networks

Thursday Extra: "Building a platform for modern systems research"

On Thursday, April 18, Brooks Davis will discuss the architecture of new computers designed for research into computer systems and networks:

A team of more than thirty researchers from SRI International and the University of Cambridge have spent the last two years developing a pair of clean-slate processor designs and a supporting set of operating systems and programming language extensions. The primary goal of this work is increasing our ability to compartmentalize important -- but risky -- applications such as web browsers at a much finer scale than currently possible. Secondary goals include modernizing the process of hardware design, raising the bar for CPU research, and developing a platform for future work. This talk will discuss our goals in detail and our progress toward building a research platform to support them.

Refreshments will be served at 4:15 p.m. in the Computer Science Commons (Noyce 3817). The talk, “Building a platform for modern systems research,” will follow at 4:30 p.m. in Noyce 3821. Everyone is welcome to attend!

CS Table/CSC 295: First meeting, Friday August 27

Welcome back! This semester, CS Table will be conducted together with the 1-credit special topic course CSC 295, Socio-Technical Issues in Computer Networks. We will consider issues from access and net neutrality to censorship and denial of service attacks. Registered students will be expected to lead discussions throughout the semester; all other interested students are welcome to attend and participate in discussions.

We will be meeting in JRC 224A. There is no reading for this Friday. Our agenda:

We'll consider metaphors as a way to consolidate our prior knowledge of how the Internet works (and perhaps learn some new things as well). Registered students will sign up for the first round of presentations.

A schedule for the entire semester is available at

Hope to see you there!

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