
Conference papers, posters, and presentations by students

Student-faculty projects with Grinnell CS students have strong track record of articles and presentations at national and regional conferences. Some examples from the past five years:


  • Jianting Chen, Medha Gopalaswamy, Prabir Pradhan, Sooji Son, and Peter-Michael Osera. ORC2A: A Proof Assistant for Undergraduate Education. In: Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE). March 2017.


  • Kevin Connors, Reilly Grant, Zachary Segall, and Peter-Michael Osera. Semi-automated Program Synthesis. Invited talk delivered at the 2016 Midwest PL Summit. December 2016.
  • Jianting Chen, Medha Gopalaswamy, Prabir Pradhan, Sooji Son, and Peter-Michael Osera. Introducing ORC2A: A Proof Assistant for Computer Science Pedagogy. Poster presented at the 2016 Midwest PL Summit. December 2016.
  • Marija Ivica, Sara Marku, Thu Nguyen, Ruth Wu, and Henry M. Walker. Student-faculty collaboration in developing and testing infrastructure for a C-based course using robots, Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges 32(1): 57-64. Presented at 23rd Annual Midwest Conference of the Consortium for Computer Science in Colleges, October 2016.
  • Sara Marku and Ruth Wu. A Team Approach for Software Development and Testing, Student Poster Presented at the 23rd Annual Midwest Conference of the Consortium for Computer Science in Colleges, October 2016. Received a "Best Student Poster" award.


  • Vasili Vasilisa Bashlovkina, Anita DeWitt, Anqing Liu, Nicolas Knoebber, and Henry M. Walker. A refined C-based infrastructure and curriculum to support robots in introductory CS, Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges 30(5):136-143. Presented at 21st Annual Central Plains Conference of the Consortium for Computer Science in Colleges, May 2015.
  • Vasilisa Bashlovkina and Anita DeWitt. Image Processing in the revised MyroC 2.1, Student Poster Presented at at 21st Annual Central Plains Conference of the Consortium for Computer Science in Colleges, May 2015.
  • Nicholas Knoeber and Anquing Liu. Blocking versus Non-blocking Movements in MyroC2.1, Student Poster Presented at at 21st Annual Central Plains Conference of the Consortium for Computer Science in Colleges, May 2015.


  • Erik Opavsky, Dilan Ustek, David Cowden, and Henry M. Walker. Course Development through Student-Faculty Collaboration: A Case Study, Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGCSE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, June 2014, Uppsala, Sweden.

    presentation at SIGCSE 2012   Dilan Ustek at SIGCSE 2012   Erik Opavsky at SIGCSE 2012
    Henry Walker with students, Dilan Ustek and Erik Opavsky, at ITiCSE 2014, Uppsala, Sweden

  • Nediyana Daskalova, Nathalie Ford, Ann Hu, Kyle Moorehead, and Benjamin Wagnon with Janet Davis. Informing Design of Suggestion and Self-Monitoring Tools through Participatory Experience Prototypes. In Anna Spagnolli, Luca Chittaro, Luciano Gamberini (Ed.) The 9th International Conference on Persuasive Technology (PERSUASIVE 2014), 8462, Springer, 68-79.
  • Michael Cermak, David Hanle, and Yirong Jing with Jeffrey Blanchard (Mathematics). Greedy Algorithms for Joint Sparse Recovery, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 62(7): 1694-1704, 2014.
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