
Photo gallery: Commons

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Noyce Science Center Intro Lab and Open Lab AI/Capstone Lab Systems Lab
Study areas Commons Research labs Miscellaneous pictures

Lounge and kitchen area Lounge and kitchen area

Lounge area, sink, refrigerator, microwave, and cabinets in the CS Commons

Tutorial with Sam R Tutorial with Sam R

Tutorial in the CS Commons

Tutorial with Sam R Tutorial with Sam R

Tutorial with Sam R Tutorial with Sam R

Tutorial with Sam R Tutorial with Sam R

Study areas and the Commons

Within Grinnell's Noyce Science Center, each department has a commons and student study areas.

The Commons

The Computer Science Commons is large and centrally located within the department, with a lovely view of the Rosenfield Campus Center.

A kitchen area on the east side has refrigerator, sink, microwave, and cabinets to support social functions, such as the weekly Thursday Extras.

Computer Science Commons

The west side of the Commons has tables, and sometimes is used as an informal classroom. For example, these pictures show meetings of a First Year Tutorial.

Computer Science Commons

The Rosenfield Campus Center is seen through the windows of the CS Commons.

Student Study Areas

Student Study Area

Two student study areas provide spaces for individual study and small-group collaborations. Furnishings include tables, desk-style chairs, and lounge chairs or a sofa.

Student Study Area

White boards are found in the Commons, study areas, and corridors, as well as in classrooms and labs.

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