random-number generator

CS Table on 5/2: Random Number Generation

This week we will consider a more technical issue: How does/might one generate random numbers. We will consider two articles:

  • John David Stone (1996). A portable random-number generator. (Internet archive)
    A call to the random-maker procedure presented here yields a dynamically constructed procedure that acts as a random-number generator. When the dynamically constructed procedure is invoked with no arguments, it returns a pseudo-random real value evenly distributed in the range [0.0, 1.0); when it is invoked with one argument (which should be a positive integer n), it returns a pseudo-random integer value evenly distributed in the range [0, n); when it is invoked with two arguments, the first of which should be a positive integer and the second the symbol reset, it changes the seed of the random-number generator to the value of the first argument.
  • Greg Taylor and George Cox (2011). Behind Intel's New Random-Number Generator.
    [I]n 2008 Intel set out to make a random-number generator that uses only digital hardware. Intel researchers based in Hillsboro, Ore., and at the company's Bangalore Design Lab in India started by tackling a key part of the problem—how to make a random source of bits without using analog circuitry.

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