employment agreements

Thursday Extra on 8/31

Thursday, August 31, 2017
4:15 p.m. in Science 3821
Refreshments at 4:00 p.m. in the Computer Science Commons (Science 3817).
Everyone is welcome to attend!

Non-Compete and Non-Disclosure Agreements: What Students Need to Know Before Signing Employment Agreements

Many companies, particularly in technology fields, require student interns and new full-time employees to sign employment agreements. While these agreements typically cover items such as start date, salary, title, and benefits, they also may include clauses that could have long-range serious impacts on the employee's future career choices. Julie Foster will introduce students to these clauses, what they should be aware of, and questions they should ask prior to signing such agreements. Ms. Foster is Assistant Dean and Executive Director of Career Communities at Grinnell College's Center for Careers, Life, and Service.

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