CS Museum Catalog — items starting with V

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VISCALC Computer Software Program User's Manual

Donor:  Anonymous

This manual shows how to use Visicalc and the Apple computer to solve problems in professional work and everyday life. VisiCalc gives the user an easy way to use a personal computer to solve problems without having to spend time programming.


VisiCalc for Science and Engineering Book

Donor:  Anonymous

VisiCalc was the first spreadsheet program for the personal computer. This book teaches the user how to use it for exercises that relate to Science and Engineering topics. The book was copyrighted in 1983.

VisiCalc for Science and Engineering Book

VisiCalc Spreadsheeting Disk

Donor:  Anonymous

This 8 inch floppy disk contains an Introduction to VisiCalc Spreadsheeting. It worked for the TRS-80 Model II and Model 16 personal computers.

VisiCalc was the first spreadsheet software available for personal computers. The program…

VisiCalc Spreadsheeting Disk

VT100 terminal emulator disks for the Apple II

Donor:  Janet Gibson

Presumably used to connect to PDP and later VAX central minicomputers operated by GCCS (Grinnell College Computer Services) on an Apple II.

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