CS Museum Catalog — items starting with U

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UNIX Fire Extinguisher

A UNIX Fire Extinguisher, which is one of the two main brands of Fire Extinguishers in Spain.

The irony here is that UNIX is also the name of a very influential operating system that was developed in 1969 by a few AT&T employees at…

UNIX Fire Extinguisher

USB cord

The design of USB is standardized by USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF). The USB (Universal Serial Bus) cord is used to establish communication between devices and the computer.

USB Cord

User's Guide Compaq S710 Color Monitor

Donor:  Anonymous

Several small booklets that accompany the Compaq S710 Color Monitor which provide information about how to connect the monitor to the system, adjusting the settings, advise for proper use, and warnings about dangers associated with improper…

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User's Guide for COMPAQ: Introducing Microsoft Windows 95

Donor:  Anonymous

Manual accompanying purchase of a Microsoft Windows 95 operating system. Gives basic information on the parameters and abilities of the operating system, as well as how to use the general features.

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User's Guide for COMPAQ: Introducing Microsoft Windows 98

Donor:  Anonymous

Manual accompanying purchase of a Microsoft Windows 95 operating system. Gives basic information on the parameters and abilities of the operating system, as well as how to use the general features.

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