CS Museum Catalog — items starting with R

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Rainbow Product Guide December 1985

Donor:  Anonymous

This booklet is the product guide for the items produced by the Rainbow Company, including both the hardware and software options. The booklet also gives instructions on how to order the items, what operating systems they are compatible with, and…

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Raytheon Core Memory

Known as magnetic core memory. Magnetic core memory is an early form of RAM (random access memory).

This particular board was produced by Raytheon in…

Raytheon Core Memory

RCA "Radiotron Electron Tube"

Marked 6SN7 GT, "Made in U.S.A. 5-17" 8 pins

Image of item
Image of item

Rolls Record-6 Pocket Adding and Subtracting Machine

Donor:  Anonymous

A pocket adding and subtracting machine that was manufactured and sold during the 1960s. The machine was made in Western Germany.

Calculations are made by shifting around the lines of numbers below were the actual digit is with the…

Image of item
Image of item

ROM from an Apple II

a set of four ROM for the Apple II computer; ROM (read only memory) contains permanent instructions for the computer

ROM from an Apple II

ROM-View 80 Manual

Donor:  Anonymous

ROM-View 80 is a display enhancement program that expands the 40-column screen capacity of the Tandy Model 100 and the NEC PC-8201. ROM-View 80 allows the computer to display 8 lines by 60-columns at once, and scroll up to 8 lines by 80-columns…

ROM-View 80