
Thursday Extra: "Historical map processing"

On Thursday, November 20, Toby Baratta 2017, Bo Wang 2016, and Kitt Nika 2016 will present their summer research on the automatic detection of place names on historical maps:

This past summer we did research on toponym detection and recognition on historical maps. Overall, our research goal was making historical maps more search-friendly and making information in the maps more accessible. Kitt Nika and Shen Zhang worked on detecting text strings on map images with maximally stable extremal regions (MSER). With this, they implemented a binarization method for future research in text detection. Kitt will discuss MSERs and the methods involving them in regards to text detection. Toby Baratta and Bo Wang worked on linking geographic datasets and recognizing toponyms from the detected text strings. With the alignment between historical maps and real-life geography, we used a Bayesian model to calculate probabilities of possible toponyms. Toby and Bo will discuss their work on increasing the range of our recognition system by adding area features such as lakes.

At 4:15 p.m., refreshments will be served in the Computer Science Commons. The talk, “Historical map processing: text detectors, database linking, and region models,” will begin at 4:30 p.m. in Noyce 3821. Everyone is welcome to attend!

Thursday Extra: "NoSQL"

On Thursday, November 29, Tolu Alabi will describe a widely used non-relational database. She writes:

NoSQL is a new database technology used to store large data. Instead of storing lots of data on one machine, data can be distributed across multiple machines, thereby reducing the load on a single machine. NoSQL is also used to replicate data across multiple nodes. If data is replicated across multiple nodes, one is no longer at the mercy of a single node. So if a single node dies, the data is still available and accessible from another node.

Many big companies have switched from the traditional SQL -like database to NoSQL-like database because of these two major reasons. Come to my talk to learn more about the advantages of using NoSQL.

Refreshments will be served at 4:15 p.m. in the Computer Science Commons (Noyce 3817). The talk, NoSQL, will follow at 4:30 p.m. in Noyce 3821. Everyone is welcome to attend!

CS Table: Online Health Information Systems

This Friday, October 14, Kyle and Martin E. will be leading a discussion about Online Health Information Systems. You can find links to the papers for this week at As usual, we'll meet around noon in JRC 224A. Hope to see you there!

CS Table: Online Health Information Systems

This Friday, October 14, Kyle and Martin E. will be leading a discussion about Online Health Information Systems. You can find links to the papers for this week at ng/OHIS As usual, we'll meet around noon in JRC 224A. Hope to see you there!

CS Table: Certified Provider Order Entry Systems

This Friday at CS Table, Benji and Martin E. will be leading a discussion about Certified Provider Order Entry Systems (CPOE). The readings can be found at the following link: We'll meet at noon in JRC 224A. Please feel free to e-mail back if you have any questions!

CS Table: Personal Health Care Records: What are they?

This Friday at CS Table, Liyan and Radhika will be leading a discussion about Personal Health Care Records, and what they are. The readings can be found at the following link: We'll meet at noon in JRC 224A.
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