summer research

Thursday Extra 1/25/18: Summer Research

Thursday, January 25, 2018
4:15 p.m. in Science 3821
Refreshments at 4:00 p.m. in the Computer Science Commons (Science 3817)

A discussion of Summer Research Opportunities in Computer Science at Grinnell is presented by members of the CS faculty and a few guests. You'll hear about research projects with CS faculty members and about the application process. You'll also hear about opportunities from a few people from outside the department who would like to hire CS students. And we'll have an overview of the general policies for MAPs, 399s, and MIPs.

Thursday Extra 12/7/2017: Summer Opportunities in Computer Science

Thursday, December 7, 2017
4:15 p.m. in Science 3821
Refreshments at 4:00 p.m. in the Computer Science Commons (Science 3817)

A discussion of Summer Opportunities in Computer Science is presented by Professor Samuel A. Rebelsky and the other faculty of the department of computer science.

If you enjoy computer science (or at least computer programming), summer is an opportunity to explore new approaches, to develop new skills, and perhaps even to make some money. But what kinds of things can you do? While students tend to focus on a few options (e.g., internships and research with faculty), a wide variety of opportunities are available. In this session, we will discuss goals you might set for the summer and some opportunities that can help you achieve those goals. Then during winter break you can be starting applications and preparing to build your portfolios.

Note that this is *not* the presentation of summer research offered within this department; this is a broad overview of the kinds of opportunities one might pursue off-campus.

Thursday Extra: Summer Research Opportunities in Computer Science at Grinnell

Welcome back!

On Thursday, January 26, the faculty of the Department of Computer Science will discuss opportunities for students to participate in research projects in computer science at Grinnell in summer 2017. We'll present overviews of the projects, explain how students with various levels of expertise and background can contribute, summarize the benefits and rewards of the summer research experience, and explain how to apply.

At 4:00 p.m., refreshments will be served in the Computer Science Commons, Noyce 3817. The discussion will follow at 4:15 p.m. in Noyce 3821. Everyone is welcome to attend!

Thursday Extra on 1/28: Summer Research at Grinnell

Thursday, January 28, 2016
4:15 pm in Noyce 3821

Computer Science faculty will discuss summer research opportunities at Grinnell.

Refreshments at 4:00 in the CS Commons (Noyce 3817), followed by the discussion at 4:15 in Noyce 3821.

Thursday Extra on 12/10: Summer Opportunities in CS

Thursday, December 10, 2015
4:15 pm in Noyce 3821

Computer Science faculty will present the department's annual discussion of summer opportunities in CS.

If you enjoy computer science (or at least computer programming), summer is an opportunity to explore new approaches, to develop new skills, and perhaps even to make some money. But what kinds of things can you do? While students tend to focus on a few options (e.g., research with faculty), a wide variety of opportunities are available. In this session, we will discuss goals you might set for the summer and some opportunities that can help you achieve those goals. Handouts will be available for those who cannot attend the talk.

Refreshments at 4:00 in the CS Commons (Noyce 3817), followed by the talk at 4:15 in Noyce 3821.

Thursday Extra: "Historical map processing"

On Thursday, November 20, Toby Baratta 2017, Bo Wang 2016, and Kitt Nika 2016 will present their summer research on the automatic detection of place names on historical maps:

This past summer we did research on toponym detection and recognition on historical maps. Overall, our research goal was making historical maps more search-friendly and making information in the maps more accessible. Kitt Nika and Shen Zhang worked on detecting text strings on map images with maximally stable extremal regions (MSER). With this, they implemented a binarization method for future research in text detection. Kitt will discuss MSERs and the methods involving them in regards to text detection. Toby Baratta and Bo Wang worked on linking geographic datasets and recognizing toponyms from the detected text strings. With the alignment between historical maps and real-life geography, we used a Bayesian model to calculate probabilities of possible toponyms. Toby and Bo will discuss their work on increasing the range of our recognition system by adding area features such as lakes.

At 4:15 p.m., refreshments will be served in the Computer Science Commons. The talk, “Historical map processing: text detectors, database linking, and region models,” will begin at 4:30 p.m. in Noyce 3821. Everyone is welcome to attend!

CS Extras: The Mathematical Image-Synthesis Toolkit

At 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, 25 September 2014, we will have a presentation from the Summer 2014 Glimmer research students about their work building a very different kind of computer graphics application.

Title: MIST, The Mathematical Image-Synthesis Toolkit
Presenters: Eileen Fordham '17, Halley Freger '17, Amanda Hinchman-Dominguez '17, Alex Mitchell '17, Victoria Tsou '16, Earnest Wheeler '16, and Zoe Wolter '16
Where: Science 3821
When: 4:30 p.m., Thursday, 25 September 2014
Snacks in the commons at 4:15 p.m.

Summary: Have you ever wondered what it might mean to add or multiply two images? While the concept may seem a bit strange, there's great power in a model in which you can synthesize new images by doing math on other images. We describe the design and implementation of a Web-based computer graphics application that lets you build complex images and animations by starting with a few basic images and applying mathematical operations to those images. We also consider the relevant issues of making a modern Web application - building community, integrating with social media services, and gathering and applying usage data.

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