Glimmer Labs

Thursday Extra 2/14/19: Code Camps

Thursday, February 14, 2019
4:15 p.m. in Science 3821
Refreshments at 4:00 p.m. in the Computer Science Commons (Science 3817)

The Glimmer Labs students from summer 2018 will present their work on Code Camps. These presentations are previews of their talks at the forthcoming SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education.

Thursday Extra 2/1/18: Diversifying Through Code Camps

Thursday, February 1, 2018
4:15 p.m. in Science 3821
Refreshments at 4:00 p.m. in the Computer Science Commons (Science 3817)

Diversifying the CS Pipeline through Innovative Code Camps shares the results of a summer research project by Caelin Bryant, Jonathan Gilmour, Bea Herce-Hagiwara, Anh Thu Pham, Halle Remash, Marli Remash, and Jonah Zimmerman.

The underrepresentation of women, students of color, and people from lower-SES backgrounds within computer science remains a national issue. Recent studies demonstrate one reason for this: persistent stereotypes about "who does computer science" can cause members of underrepresented groups to preclude interest in the field. Join us this Thursday to learn about how the use of art, data science, social good, and summer camps contributes to adolescent self-efficacy as well as the future diversity of our discipline.

CS Extras: The Mathematical Image-Synthesis Toolkit

At 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, 25 September 2014, we will have a presentation from the Summer 2014 Glimmer research students about their work building a very different kind of computer graphics application.

Title: MIST, The Mathematical Image-Synthesis Toolkit
Presenters: Eileen Fordham '17, Halley Freger '17, Amanda Hinchman-Dominguez '17, Alex Mitchell '17, Victoria Tsou '16, Earnest Wheeler '16, and Zoe Wolter '16
Where: Science 3821
When: 4:30 p.m., Thursday, 25 September 2014
Snacks in the commons at 4:15 p.m.

Summary: Have you ever wondered what it might mean to add or multiply two images? While the concept may seem a bit strange, there's great power in a model in which you can synthesize new images by doing math on other images. We describe the design and implementation of a Web-based computer graphics application that lets you build complex images and animations by starting with a few basic images and applying mathematical operations to those images. We also consider the relevant issues of making a modern Web application - building community, integrating with social media services, and gathering and applying usage data.

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