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Apple II Plus

Personal computer from the famed Apple II series. The Apple II Plus was the second Apple II to be released in the series. The Plus was introduced in June 1979. It was the first in the series to include Applesoft BASIC on the computer without…

Apple II Plus
Apple II Plus

Apple II Plus with Monitor

Personal computer from the famed Apple II series. The Apple II Plus was the second Apple II to be released in the series. The Plus was introduced in June 1979. It was the first in the series to include Applesoft BASIC on the computer without…

Apple II Plus with Monitor

APPLE II Reference Manual

Donor:  Anonymous

This manual provides the user with information about using the Apple II computer. It explains memory organization, input/output structure and hardware configuration.

Apple II manual

Apple II Software Catalogs

During the late 1970s and early 1980s, the Apple II computer emerged as an exciting resource for personal, family, and educational use. Accompanying this new technology, many individuals, organizations, and companies developed educational…

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Apple II trackball and graphics tablet

Cunningham's notes: A couple of other peripherals for small computers -- a trackball and graphics tablet, probably both for the Apple II (I know the tablet is...)

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Apple II-6502 Assembly Language Tutor

This ring-bound softcover textbook was written by Richard Haskell, and offers instructions on how to operate the software for the Apple II-6502 computer with information on the 3.3 DOS. It includes a 5"x5" floppy disk, and is a second edition,…

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