CS Museum Catalog — items starting with C

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Computer Museum Time Capsule

The Computer Museum compiled a Time Capsule &mdash a collection of artifacts from the Museum, together with a guide describing each piece.

The following items are paired with the pictures that follow.

  • The Time…

Time Capsule Guide
Time Capsule Guide
Post Card of Whirlwind Computer Vacuum Tubes
Paper Tape
Magnetic Tape
Iron Filings Used to Coat Magnetic Tape
Minicomputer Module
Minicomputer Module (reverse side)
ROM (Read Only Memory)

Conduit Introductory Mechanics Reviewed and Tested Materials

This case contains two 5" floppy disks, which contain the program by Conduit that formerly was used to help teach physical mechanics, for the Physics 354 class at Grinnell College.

Image of item

Continuous-feed printer paper

Donor:  Anonymous

Most printers in the 1970s and 1980s utilized paper with holes punched along the sides. The paper fed into a sprocket assembly, and moving sprockets engaged the holes to move the paper in a controlled way. The paper itself was a long,…

Continuous-feed printer paper

Core Memory

Early computer memory utilized a grid of wires; a row in the grid could represent a collection of bits (e.g., a byte or word), and different rows represented different addresses of memory. Two wires connected to each bit, and pulses of…

Core Memory

Core memory, 1KB

From a kit purchased at a computer museum in Boston.

Each intersection in the grid corresponds to a wire ring, whose inductive state is used to store a binary value. This memory was probably in use around 1962.

Image of item
Image of item

Corona Data Systems Corona PC

Received from David Coahran, 06-15-2007

The Corona PC was initially released in 1983.

Model No. from back of case: PPC400-12 Serial No. from back of case: (hard to read) Serial No. from sticker on bottom of keyboard: T 081330 85 Stickers…

Image of item
Image of item
Image of item
Image of item