CS Museum Catalog — items starting with I

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Intel 86/380 Computer (Grant O. Gale Observatory): Cookbook (FAQs)

Donor:  Cadmus

This document provided quick answers to questions about the use of the Intel 86/380 computer at Grinnell College's Grant O. Gale Observatory. The cookbook provides instruction on basic operations, directory structure, file operations, using floppy…

Front Page of Cookbook

Intel 86/380 Computer (Grant O. Gale Observatory): Diskette/Files for Emergency Data Acquisition

Donor:  Cadmus

A diskette with important files for the Intel 86/380 computer in the Gale O. Grant Observatory in case of an emergency. The files on the disk were Varstar, Sr.lst, Photom, Kermit, Reticon, and Image. Kermit was Columbia University's solution for…

Front of Diskette

Intel 86/380 Computer (Grant O. Gale Observatory): Diskettes/Documentation and Programs

Donor:  Cadmus

These are documentation and programs for the 86/380 Intel computer at the The Grant O. Gale Observatory in Grinnell. The diskettes include, the iRMX 860 Utilities Package, Word Processing System Dskette(copy 1), Word Processing: The Basics…

Front of Floppy
Front of Floppy
Back oF floppy
Front of Floppy
Back of Floppy
Front of Floppy
Back of Floppy
Front of Floppy
Front of Floppy(Without a case)
Front of Floppy
Front of Foppy
Front of Floppy
Back of Floppy
Front of Floppy
Back of Floppy
Back of Floppy
Front of Floppy
Back of Floppy

Intel 86/380 Computer (Grant O. Gale Observatory): Instructions for SR Star Photometric Observations

Donor:  Cadmus

This gives a step by step instruction of how to take a photometric observation using an Intel 86/380 computer. This was used by Grant O. Gale Observatory in Grinnell.

Front page of Instructions

Intel 86/380 Computer (Grant O. Gale Observatory): iRMX Language Pamphlet

Donor:  Cadmus

This pamphlet gives an overview about the languages that are provided by the iRMX system. The languages supported on the iRMX operating system are FORTRAN, Pascal, BASIC, C, PL/M and assembler.

Front of Pamphlet
Back of Pamphlet

Intel 86/380 Computer (Grant O. Gale Observatory): iRMX Operating System Pamphlet

Donor:  Cadmus

The iRMX operating system was a real-time, multi-tasking operating system for the 260/380 and the 86/380 microcomputer system. This pamphlet gave basic information about the operating system. For example, the pamphlet gave a list of supported…

Front of Pamphlet
Back of Pamphlet